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Hello dear friend,I am a Board Certified Dermatologist and Cosmetologist currently practicing in India.In my blogs,you will see your skin concerns addressed in a holistic way.Also,concepts in Dermatology and Cosmetology will be dealt in detail in the blogs

Friday, June 14, 2024


 Basic Skin Lesions


๐Ÿ“Primary lesions

๐Ÿ“Secondary lesions

๐Ÿ“Special lesions

๐Ÿ“Primary Lesions


๐Ÿ“Secondary Lesions











๐Ÿ“Special lesions

Target lesions


Definition: Circumscribed alteration in the colour of the skin of any size or
shape that is non-palpable and without depression and has no alteration in
the skin texture or scaling within the lesion

Macule > 1-2cm in diameter is “LARGE MACULE”

Macule > 2cm in diameter is “AREA”

Margins can be well defined or ill defined
Shape can be circular, oval, or irregular

Colour of Macule : Erythematous, Hypopigmented (e.g. Nevus
hypochromicus), Hyperpigmented (e.g. Melasma), depigmented (e.g. Vitiligo)
Depigmented and hypopigmented macules


Definition : Small, solid, elevated, palpable lesion up to 0.5 cm in size formed
either by localized proliferation of tissue cells or infiltration with
inflammatory cells.

Papules sized 1-2 mm are called “Micropapules”

Shape : Sessile, Pedunculated, Dome-shaped, Flat-topped,Filiform, Acuminate,Umbilicated

Colour : Varies:-

*Brownish : Verruca vulgaris
*Yellowish orange : Xanthoma
*Violaceous purple : Lichen planus
*Pearly white : Molluscum Contagiosum
*Blue-black : Malignant melanoma

Surface : Rough or smooth surfaced
Examples : Warts (Rough surface), Lichen nitidis (micropapules), Mollascum
contagiosum (Umblicated)


Definition : Solid, elevated, palpable lesion >0.5 to 1 cm in size formed either
by localized proliferation of tissue cells or infiltration with inflammatory cells.

A nodule sized >1.0 cm is better be called a “Large nodule”

Shape : Ellipsoid or Globular, Pedunculated or Sessile

Surface : Smooth, Keratotic, Ulcerated, or Fungating

Types : Depending anatomical component involved -Epidermal, Epidermal-dermal, Dermal,Dermal-subdermal or Subcutaneous

Other features : Depending on underlying pathology –Warm, Hard, Soft, Fluctuant, Tender, Movable, or Fixed

Examples : Neurofibroma, Leprosy,Erythema nodosum

Papules and Nodules of varied Morphology
and Size in neurofibromatosis

Shiny, Pearly Umblicated Papules
in Molluscum contagiosum


Definition : Solid, elevated, palpable lesion >1 cm in diameter with a flat
plateau like surface. 

Plaque sized >2cm are “Large plaques”

Shape : Round, Oval, Discoid (uniformly thickened), or Annular with regular
or irregular borders

Types : Depending on anatomical component involved –Epidermal, Epidermal-dermal, Dermal,Dermal-subdermal or Subcutaneous

Surface changes : Depending on underlying pathology –Scaling, Necrosis, Erosion, Ulceration, Crusting, Eschcar formation

Examples : Psoriasis, Leprosy, Granuloma annulare

Well-defined, erythematous, scaly
large plaques of psoriasis vulgaris

Annular Plaques in Leprosy

Vesicles and Bulla (Blister)

Definitions :
Vesicle: An elevated fluid-filled lesion sized < 1 cm

Bulla: Fluid filled lesion sized > 1 cm

Formation : Vesicles or bullae arise from the cleavage at either intraepidermal or sub epidermal level by formation of cavity and collection of fluid

In Bulla, the fluid in the cavity exerts equal pressure in all directions giving spherical shape

Contents of vesicle: Clear, Serous, Turbid,Haemorrhagic

Examples : Herpes simplex, Pemphigus,Scalds, Bullous pemphigoid, eczema


Definition : A circumscribed raised Pus filled lesion.

Pustules may vary in size and in certain conditions like pustular psoriasis they may coalesce to give “lake of pus” appearance

Purulent exudate contain : either cellular debris, leukocytes, or bacteria or may be sterile

They can be located at the opening of hair follicles as in folliculitis

Pustules are superficial- heal without scarring

Examples : Bacterial (folliculitis), Pustular psoriasis


Definition : A closed cavity or sac (normal or abnormal) that has an epithelial, endothelial or
membranous lining and contain fluid or semisolid material

Examples : Sebaceous cyst, Epidermal cyst (Milia), Pilar cyst


Definition : It is localized accumulation of pus deep in dermis or sub cutis. Usually not visible on
the surface of skin.

It is erythematous, warm, tender, fluctuant nodule

From Staphylococcal, Streptococcal infections


It is visible exfoliation of flake of stratum corneum

Morphology varies with type of skin disease:-

Examples :–
Silvery, loose scales - Psoriasis
Fine powdery scales - Pityriasis versicolor
Fish-like scales - Ichthyosis
Collarette scales - Pityriasis rosea, Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Ichthyotic Scales


Crust is dried up exudates (blood, serum, pus)

Removal of crusts leave moist surface/ erosion beneath

Colour of crust varies with nature of exudate:
Yellow-brown - dried serous secretions
Turbid yellow-green - purulent secretion
Reddish black - hemorrhagic secretion
Hemorrhagic Crusts


Raw, moist lesion left from a complete or partial loss of epidermis or mucosal epithelium

Results from trauma, rupture of vesicles or bullae, or epidermal necrosis

Heal without scar unless secondarily infected

Examples : in Pemphigus, SJS-TEN


Ulcer forms from breach and destruction of skin (epidermis, dermis with basal layer, adnexal structures) or Mucosa

Heals with scarring.

May be superficial or deep.

Margins of ulcer :-

overhanging -tubercular 

Punched out - gumma

Light pink granulation tissue at floor-Indicate healing


Linear or circumscribed erosions formed from surface excavations of epidermis due to scratching

Frequent finding in patients having disorders with pruritus

Linear and punctate excoriations on the back induced by scratching.


It is a linear, triangular crack in the skin/mucosa

Results from excessive tension or decreased elasticity of the involved tissue

Can be superficial or deep

Deep fissures are painful

Common over palms and soles due to thick Stratum corneum

Examples : In Palmoplantarpsoriasis, Keratodermas, Irritant CD,Fissures of heels



It is a tract connecting a deep cavity to the surface of the skin

Contents of the deep cavity are usually pus, epithelial debris.These contents drain to the surface when such a channel exits

Eg:-Multiple sinuses in Nocardiosis


It is the proliferation of fibrous tissue that replaces the normal collagen after the ulcer involving the reticular dermis heals

Epidermis is thinned and wrinkled, and adnexa like hair are destroyed

Hypertrophic scars : typically take form of plaques or nodules. It does not grow beyond the limit of original lesion

Keloid : exceeds the limit of original lesion


Definition : Thickening of skin due to repeated and prolonged rubbing/scratching of skin characterized by:-
*Thickening of epidermis/dermis
*Accentuated of skin markings

Examples : Lichen simplex chronicus
(LSC), Lichenified chronic (atopic) dermatitis


Definition : A loss of cutaneous mass from diminution in size of any of the
components of skin.

*Epidermal atrophy: Glossy,transparent, cigarette-paper like thinning and wrinkling, loss of normal skin lines

*Dermal atrophy: Circumscribed area of depressed skin, normal in colour and surface

*Subcutaneous atrophy: Substantial depression of skin

Erythema and Purpura

Erythema : Blanches redness of skin, and is due to vascular congestion or increased perfusion e.g. Facial erythema in Rosacea

Purpura : Non-blanching reddish to purple discolouration of skin due to extravasation of RBCs in dermis e.g.Vasculitis, Bleeding disorders

Petechiae : 1-2 mm small pupuric lesions,
Occur in crops e.g. Clotting disorders

Ecchymosis : Larger purpuric lesions fromextrvasation of blood

Diascopy : differentiates erythema frompurpura

Wheal (Hives, Urticaria) & Angioedema

Definition : An evanescent (lasting 48-72 hrs) erythematous, elevated lesion due to edema of dermis (Wheal) frequently with central pallor, or dermo-hypodermis with loose dermal tissue e.g. lips, eyelids, scrotum (Angioedema)

Results due to vasodilatation and increased permeability of dermal capillaries leading to edema

Specific of Urticaria


Definition : It is wavy, thread like tunnel excavated in the stratum corneum by Scabies mite

It measures only few mm in length

Characteristic of Scabies and particularly seen over palms and soles,wrists, and genitalia in infants and very young children


Definition : A dilated pilosebaceous orifice plugged by keratin and sebum

Open Comedo : Pilosebaceous opening is open to the surface of skin by black keratinous plug

Closed Comedo : Closed pilosebaceous opening is unapparent, accumulates the whitish keratin

Characteristic and primary lesion of acne


Definition : A tiny white superficial cyst with epidermal lining containing lamellated keratin.

Sometimes arise on blistered or damaged skin e.g. after dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, Porphyria,Dermabrasion.


Definition : Visible and persistent dilatations of small capillaries in the superficial dermis that appear as fine, bright non-pulsatile, net like pattern on the skin

May or may not disappear with diascopy

Types : Mat-like, Punctate, Linear

Examples : In - rosacea, Collagen vascular diseases


Definition: A diffuse induration and hardening of skin due to dermal fibrosis.
The skin feels firm board like, immobile and difficult to pick up

Examples: Morphea, Systemic sclerosis.


Definition : A dappled appearance of skin from combination of atrophy, telangiectasia, and pigment changes (hypo or hyperpigmentation)

Example : Rothmund Thompson syndrome, Xeroderma pigmentosa 

Target Lesions

Definition : These have 3 zones:
Central: dusky, blistered or purpuric zone
Middle: pale zone of edema
Outer: Erythematous zone with well defined edge

Example : Erythema multiforme

*Shape of lesions :  Dome-shaped, Flat topped,Umbilicated, Acuminate, Pedunculated, Verrucous

*Distribution of lesions :Scattered,
Disseminated, Wide spread, Confluent, Symmetrical or Asymmetrical, Acral

*Pattern of lesions : The arrangement of individual lesions - Annular,Arcuate, Linear, Grouped, Discoid, Reticulate, Gyrate

*Colour of skin and of lesions

e.g. Purplish (LP), yellowish (xanthoma), etc

*Arrangement : Linear, Grouped

 *Dermatomal, Serpiginous

*Zosteriform : Grouped vesicles arranged in a dermatome

*Corymbose : grouped arrangement with a central cluster of lesions beyond which are  scattered individual lesions

*Un-patterned grouped lesions : As in Verruca plana, Lichen planus,Urticaria, Insect bites(often in groups of three).

*Spared areas : As in Photodermatitis

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