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 Oh!!!! My hair fall??

You've come to the right place, friend.πŸ‘΄πŸ‘±

Why do you experience hair fall?

1) Stress - both mental and physical
2) Dandruff
3) Anemia
4) Low levels of Serum Vitamin D and Vitamin B12
5) Thyroid issues
6) Telogen effluvium - for example, after childbirth or a serious illness

How can you address hair fall?

1) Identify and address the underlying cause
2) Take hair vitamin supplements, such as tablets or gummies
3) Use hair growth serums
4) Undergo procedures like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, hair growth factor injections, or hair transplants

What does "hair loss" mean?

Hair loss can manifest as:
1) A bald scalp or receding hairline at the forehead, known as Androgenic alopecia. It's hereditary and can be treated with Minoxidil, Finasteride, PRP, and hair transplants.
2) One or more hairless patches, referred to as Alopecia areata or any type of cicatricial alopecia. These are autoimmune diseases that require management with medications, including steroids


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