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This may seem like a very basic question to you!
Indeed, it is a crucial step in a facial care routine.

๐Ÿ“Can I use soap on my face?
It's best to avoid soaps on the face. Most of the soaps increases skin pH,thereby making skin dry.If necessary, a moisturizing mild soap is preferable.

๐Ÿ“Do we need anti-bacterial soaps?
Not for everyday use; however, if you have a bacterial infection on your face, it may be beneficial for some individuals.

๐Ÿ“What is the danger of using anti-bacterial soaps?
Anti-bacterial soaps can disrupt the natural skin microbiome, which is home to many commensal bacteria.

๐Ÿ“What is the difference between a Facewash and a Cleanser?
A facewash, which removes dirt, sebum, and keratin, is better for acne-prone skin, while a cleanser cleans and moisturizes, making it suitable for dry skin.

๐Ÿ“Which facewash is ideal for acne-prone skin?
Facewashes containing salicylic acid are recommended.

๐Ÿ“Which facewash is best for pigmentation issues?
Facewashes with brightening agents such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E are effective.

๐Ÿ“How often should I wash my face with a facewash?
Twice daily is sufficient unless you are exposed to significant pollution.

๐Ÿ“How long should I leave the facewash on my skin before rinsing it off?
One minute is enough. If the facewash contains an exfoliant like salicylic acid, rinse it off within 20-30 seconds.

๐Ÿ“Why is washing your face too frequently harmful?
Frequent washing can strip the skin of "Natural Moisturizing Factors" (NMF), leading to excessive dryness.

๐Ÿ“What are facial scrubs?
Facial scrubs are mechanical exfoliants. They are ideal for acne-skin because scrubs will unroof closed comedones.But a vigorous scrub can damage the skin surface. Therefore, scrub should not be used more than once a week and is not recommended for patients with sensitive skin

๐Ÿ“What is the normal pH of skin?

 pH of normal healthy skin is 5.4-5.9
The increase in pH will cause skin dryness and tightness

๐Ÿ“What are NMFs(Natural moisturizing factors)?
Natural moisturizing factors (NMF) are required for skin hydration, barrier homeostasis, normal desquamation and plasticity. It is formed from filaggrin(a protein present present on skin) proteolysis to small, hygroscopic molecules including amino acids. 

๐Ÿ“Why is a facewash or cleanser required?
Most of the environmental dirts and cosmetics are not water soluble.Hence washing the skin with simple water would not be sufficient to remove them.  Skin cleansers and facewashes will lower the surface tension on the skin and remove dirt, sebum, oil from cosmetic products, microorganisms, and exfoliated corneum cells in an emulsified form. 

๐Ÿ“What is meant by AHA and BHA facewashes?
Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) act as exfoliants.Means,they will gently dissolves our dead skin cells.Hence they are very useful especially in acne-skin.

๐Ÿ“How frequently should we use AHA and BHA facewashes?
Once daily will be cleansing with AHA or BHA facewashes is recommended

๐Ÿ“Which is the most commonly used and the best BHA used in facewashes?
2% salicylic acid is the most commonly used BHA

๐Ÿ“What is the difference between AHA and BHA?

AHA is best  for surface-level exfoliation leading to improvement of  skin texture.
While BHA is best for deep cleaning pores and reducing oiliness.
Both can be effective in improving skin tone and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

๐Ÿ“Is Vitamin C good for skin?
Certainly good

๐Ÿ“What are the roles played by Vitamin C for a healthy skin?
-Potent anti oxidant
-Anti inflammatory
-Protects from uv rays induced skin damage
-Boosts collagen synthesis
-Reduces melanin production,thereby causing brightness of skin

๐Ÿ“What are the advantages of moisturisers?
  1. Hydration- smoothes the skin making it soft, more extensible, and pliable. The moisturizing action of emollients is evident maximum 30 min–1 hour after their use and usually lasts for 4 hours.Hence,it is recommended to use moisturisers after bath and then 4 hourly
  2. Anti-inflammatory: Moisturizers inhibit the production of proinflammatory prostanoids by blocking cyclooxygenase activity hus have a soothing effect on inflamed skIN
  3. Antimitotic action: Moisturizers containing mineral oils have low-grade antimitotic action on the epidermis and thus are useful in inflammatory dermatosis like psoriasis, where there is increased epidermal mitotic activity[,,,]
  4. Antipruritic action: Emollients downregulate the cytokines thus reducing the itching. Furthermore, cooling effect following evaporation of water from the skin surface after using water based moisturizers has antipruritic effect[,,,]
  5. Photo protective action: These days’ sunscreens with variable sun protection factor are incorporated in the moisturizers providing additional sun protection.[,,]
  6. Miscellaneous actions[,,,]:
    • Quality of life improvement: Having a smooth and hydrated skin plays a good role in our social life and psychological satisfaction
    • Antimicrobial action: Act against skin surface microbes
    • Wound healing: Hyaluronic acid is known to play a role.


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