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 I feel like worms crawling on my skin!!!!!


♦️Who can get this disease?Females-2-3 times more affected with a Bimodal age of onset(20-30yrs,>50yrs)

📍Reasons to develop this disease ?

*Psychiatric disorders:-Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) ,Hypochondriasis, Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), depression ,anxiety, Schizophrenia

(31-81% have a comorbid psychiatric condition)

*Neurological disorders:-Cerebro vascular accident (CVA) ,Dementia, Delirium. Multiple sclerosis ,Meningitis ,Encephalitis, syphilis, cerebral trauma &neoplasms

*Substance  intoxication:-Amphetamines, coccaine, Hallucinogens, Cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones

*Substance withdrawal:-Alcohol, Benzodiazepines

*Autoimmune disorders:-SLE

*Endocrinological:-Hypothyroidism, Hyper thyroidism ,Pan hypopituitarism, Diabetes mellites

*Neoplasms-Colon cancer, lung carcinoma ,mediastinum cancers ,breast cancer ,lymphoma

*Drugs:-Antibiotics (Clarithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin),L-DOPA, Ropinirole, Pramipexole, Gabapentin, Topiramate, Corticosteroids, interferon, Phenelzine, methylphenidate, amphetamine diet pills

*Other medical conditions:-Hepatic failure ,renal failure ,Leprosy, Hepatitis ,Tuberculosis, Vitamin deficiencies 

📌The prototype patient of Ekbom’s syndrome…..

📍A Middle aged woman

📍Claims that she is being infected by some type of parasite, which she occasionally sees & usually feels on/under her skin, head ,eyes etc

📍May describe as a larva OR worm OR flea OR fungus OR simply a small organism

📍The belief qualifies for the definition of delusion

📍Onset-insidious usually ,rarely abrupt

📍Some might have had a real infestation earlier to which they attribute the current symptoms

📍Intense pruritus & dermatitis artefacta

📍Repeated scratching causing excoriations & injuries

📍Overuse of disinfectants /insecticides

📍Excavasations in search of parasites

📍Self mutilation-Self inflicted burn marks and scabs

📍Pits , ulcers , bruises or scars may be seen

📍Hair pulling, alopecia, Onychotillomania, Doctor shopping are usually seen in the patients

📍Repeated bathing & washing of clothes

📍Fear of contaminating other households

📍All the symptoms won't fit into one single organic disease

📍Matchbox sign/Specimen sign(bring specimens/skin particles/hair samples in small boxes)/wrapped in a paper/in plastic bags-for  evidence

📍Photos/self recorded videos will be shown by patient as evidences

📍May have hallucinations coexistent(formications-substance abuse, Cocaine bugs)

📍Other than the delusion of parasites, she reasons normally& appear normal

📍Bacterial superinfection

📌Approach to such patients…..

📍It is extremely challenging to diagnose & manage Ekbom syndrome

📍Exclude real infestation(Travel history, contact with infested patients, examination)

📍Find if its primary or secondary delusional parasitosis

(CBC,AEC,TFT,VDRL,LFT,RFT,HIV,VM, Vitamin levels, tox screen, neuroimaging)

📍If secondary,address the underlying cause

📍If primary, treat with empathy by associating with psychiatrist

📍Trying to covince them that they are wrong, will not work

📍Antihistamines ,topical medications for the injuries

📍Specific pharmacotherapy:-Antipsychotics(60-100% remission)

*1st line :- 

-Earlier drug of choice🡪Pimozide 1 mg to 10mg(Side effects-Extra pyramidal side effects,Cardiotoxic)

-Now a days, second generation anti psychotics are the first line of management




Olanzapine 5mg

*Long acting injectable anti psychotics if poor compliance


Ekbom syndrome or Delusional parasitosis is a psychocutaneous disorder which is difficult to manage. Need a holistic approach by a team of dermatologist and Psychiatrist


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