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Yes...Dry lips is a matter of concern for many. Is it normal?Is it a warning sign of some serious internal disease?How do we manage dry lips?..Questions from patients are endless..  So let's address this issue in and out today Why do you have dry lips? Reasons for dry lips can be many such as:- *Dehydration *Dry weather *Long term exposure to air conditioned environment *Excess sun exposure *Excess or low quality or expired lip cosmetics *Medications *Chelitis *Angular chelitis or Perleche *Atopy-in people with allergic or atopic history , skin and lips tend to be dry faster What is chelitis? Chelitis means inflammation of the lips which can be due to an  allergic reaction to your toothpaste or any cosmetics or any medications (cancer chemotherapy, retinoids) or due to any cause of lip dryness which were listed above What is angular chelitis? Angular chelitis means the inflammation of the corners of mouth. Patient develop, dryness, fissuring, pain and in extremely severe cases,even
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WHITE HAIRS ???!!!!!

Are you stressed of your white hairs???? You are at the right place friend... Greying of hairs at an young age is a huge matter of concern now- a- days.Have you ever wondered why this happens?Lets see... * Reasons for premature greying of hairs:- a)Genetic-Risk of premature greying is much high if it is running in your family b)Stress- Excess mental stress is a proven cause for developing white hairs at an early age c)Nutritional deficiency- Many micronutrients and vitamins are found to be deficient in studies conducted among individuals with premature greying. Main nutrients implicated are Vitamin B12,zinc,biotin etc d)Temporary greying of hair in adolescents-it is due to the internal changes happening normally in the body as part of the growth of the individual  e)Premature greying in babies and toddlers- This can happen as apart of various syndromes like Chediak-Higashi syndrome * You need the following blood tests:- a)Serum Vitamin B12 b)Serum Hemoglobin c)Peripheral smear  * How t


It is normal to experience heavy hair fall after an acute stressful event.Usually hairfall begins within 3 months of the event. This stressful event can be anything like:- *Surgery *Pregnanacy and Delivery *A physical illness *A mental illness *Death of dear ones *Severe fever *Abortion etc This condition is called in medical terms as, TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM How will we manage Telogen effluvium?? *It is a normal process . So be patient.It will be normalised in a matter of 2-3 months. Dont be so anxious about it becauuse anxiety and stress will further aggravate the hairfall  *Address other causes of hairfall which also is contributing to the telogen effluvium.It include:- a)Dandruff b)Stress c)Vitamin D deficiency d)Anemia e)Vitamin B12 deficiency f)Thyroid disease *Use hair growth serums containing Procapyl,Redensyl,Angain,Bicapil etc which control the excess hairfall *How to apply hair serums? Once or twice daily massage over the scalp.Keep it for a few hours.Dont wash off immediately. Co


 SKIN   DISORDERS  IN  DIABETES 📌Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels 📌3 types:- *Type 1, also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile-onset diabetes *Type 2 , non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes *Type 3, , secondary diabetes 📌ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS Prevalence of cutaneous disorders in DM varies from 60 - 90% during the course of their illness. Hyperglycemia leads to nonenzymatic glycosylation Derangement of immunoregulatory mechanism happens Metabolic abnormalities such as hyper insulinemia and defective lipid processing results 📌Classification of skin disorders in Diabetes mellites 1. Related to microangiopathy 2. Related to macrovascular insufficiency 3. Related to neuropathy 4. Cutaneous infections 5. Related to lipodystrophy 6. Associated disorders with DM 7.Treatment related 📌 Skin changes related to cutaneous microangiopathy 1 .Diabetic dermopathy *As


  MICRO NUTRIENTS AND SKIN 1 )ZINC *Trace element which has catalytic, structural, and regulatory function. 📌Why do we need Zinc? *Required by 300 enzymes *Growth & development *wound healing *immune function *collagen synthesis. *Key ion in zinc finger proteins, play an important role in the formation and maintenance of all tissues including the skin 📌Zinc containing foods - Animal products, Legumes, Whole grains, Dairy products, nuts 📌Vegetarian diet can cause  zinc deficiency. 📌Cereal grains contain phytates which chelates zinc and prevents absorption. 📌Zinc absorption greater in human breast milk than bovine milk. 📌 REQUIREMENT OF ZINC *RDA ( recommended daily allowance ) Adults – 15.5 mg Infants less than six months – 3 – 5 mg 6 months to 1 year old – 5 mg pregnant and lactating women – 20 – 25 mg 📌 CLASSIFICATION  OF  ZINC DEFICIENCY *Genetic *Acquired *Acute *chronic 📌ACRODERMATITIS  ENTEROPATHICA 📍Term coined by Danbolt and Closs 1942 📍Thore brandt 1st described t


  EKBOM’S SYNDROME 📌 DEFINITION 📍A group of neuropsychiatric disorders characterised by the  recurrent & bizzare delusional belief that  one’s body is infested by parasites, insects, worms, small organisms or even inanimate materials. 📍The only symptom of psychosis is delusion 📍It cannot be explained by another condition 📍Lasting 1 month or more(DSM-5)/3 months or more(ICD-10) 📌 ORIGIN OF THE NAME… "EKBOM SYNDROME" 📍KARL-AXEL EKBOM(1907-1977)-Swedish Neurologist The disease is named after him 📍EKBOM SYNDROME =Delusional parasitosis 📌 EPIDEMIOLOGY 📍Uncommon(1.9-27.3 cases per 1 lakh) 📍Many underdiagnosed 📍Females-2-3 times more affected 📍Bimodal age of onset(20-30yrs,>50yrs) 📍Average age- 57 years 📍More in Caucasians 📌Why is it important?..... 📍Patient’s feel they are not being taken seriously 📍Self infliction of injuries 📍Stigma to psychotherapy 📍Disappointment & depression 📍Financial loss due to repeated consultations 📍Medicolegal issues 📌 H


 HIRSUTISM 📌Definition - Excess terminal hair in a woman that occurs in a male pattern 📌 Sites - beard, moustache, chest 📌 May occur with or without a detectable increase in androgens EPIDEMIOLOGY 📌 Incidence-5–10% women 📌 Age-Usually after the onset of puberty 📌 If ectopic androgens - can occur at any age 📌 Ethnicity-More common in whites Pathogenesis 📌 The major androgens in females:- *Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) *Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) *Androstenedione *Testosterone *DHT DHEA-S, DHEA, and androstenedione - proandrogens 📌 These hormones exert their androgenic effects only after conversion to testosterone 📌 Sebaceous glands contain enzymes that help in testosterone synthesis: 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 📌 Testosterone is converted in the hair follicle to 5-dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5-α reductase CAUSES OF HIRSUTISM 1) Hyperandrogenic hirsutism *Polycystic ovarian syndrome (72–82%) *Androgen secreting tumours (